How To Take A Selfie

December 12, 2017

Taking a selfie seems pretty easy, right? Truth is- it’s not. Usually taking a selfie goes from just taking 4 photos to ending up with 400 and having to choose your favorite. Sound familiar? If you can relate, you have come to the right place! And if you are new to taking selfies, welcome! Welcome to the wonderful world of: How To Take a Selfie!

Here are 5 steps to taking a luxury selfie:

1. Lighting is EVERYTHING! The first and most important step of taking a selfie is checking for good lighting. We recommend using natural lighting. Either step in front of a window in your house or head outside to bask in the sun’s glow. Believe it or not- good lighting can make under-eye circles and shadows completely disappear.

  • Luxe Tip: Avoid shadows! There is nothing worse than having a cast over your face. The best time to take pictures in natural lighting is during sunrise or sunset, when the light is low and perfect for taking photos!

2. Know when to use flash and when not to! Whether you’re at the club or on the couch watching Netflix, there’s always a moment when we want to take a selfie when natural lighting isn’t available. So, open Snapchat! Unlike our smartphone cameras, Snapchat has flash when you’re using the front-facing camera. Snap a selfie in Snapchat and save it onto your phone to edit and tweak it to how you like. 

  • Luxe Tip: Lumee iPhone cases are perfect for taking indoor selfies. They have warm, natural lights on the front and back of the case to enhance your inner photographer. Or, you can use a clip-on selfie light! It’s the same concept and you get one for FREE with your purchase on

3. SMILE! Actually taking a selfie with a real, genuine smile will give you a very flattering result. If you want to take a more serious selfie, use Tyra Bank’s tip: “smiling with your eyes”. Practice in the mirror until you get it right- you’ll get the hang of it!

4. Ever heard “it’s all about the angles”? Well, it’s true! Finding the perfect angle is super important when taking a selfie. The best angle for just about everyone: chin down and camera up. There are about 5 people in the world who look good when shot from under the chin, and we haven’t met any of them.

  • Luxe Tip: Never look straight on when taking a selfie. Instead, turn to the side a little bit and look past camera! And if you want to be super profesh, buy a selfie stick! They are super cheap and are completely ridiculous aside from making you look supermodel-y in photos!
5. Last but not least, be mindful of your background. The best selfies have a very interesting background or a super simple one. When snapping selfies in doors, make sure your mess isn’t in the frame. Tidy up first, then snap a couple selfies in your room. If you happen to be outdoors, beware of photo bombers! Before you take a selfie, be sure to check your surroundings!

Now that you’re fully equipped with all the tips and tricks to taking a selfie, show them off! Share them on your social medias for the world to see. And don’t forget to tag us and hashtag #LukluksBeauty for a chance to be featured on our Instagram!